“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
– Maya Angelou
Do you create? Are you someone who oozes creativity – always working on something new?
Or do you think you have no creativity at all?
Do you dread the question, “What’s new with you?” because you haven’t created anything in a while and nothing feels particularly new or exciting? So you scramble to come up with something interesting to say but feel like you often miss the mark.
Maybe your struggle with feeling creative is that you’ve given yourself too narrow a definition.
Perhaps you associate creativity with fine arts like painting and drawing. Or maybe you define creativity as something you only do with your hands or body like dancing, writing, or playing an instrument.
It’s easy to forget that creativity can also be . . .
- leading a discussion for a book group
- planning a night out with friends
- or making a meal
Merriam-Webster defines CREATE as “to bring into existence.”
Creativity shows up every time you make something that did not exist just a few seconds before.
It can be as simple as picking up the phone and creating a conversation with someone.
Anything you ‘bring into existence’ is considered creative.
Look back at the end of your day. What did you create that wasn’t there at the beginning of your day?
Maybe you . . .
- took a walk and are creating a healthier life.
- made some chocolate chip cookies and shared them with your neighbor.
- paused during your busy day and created time to center yourself.
- paused to compliment someone which created a smile on their face.
Once you embrace this definition of creativity, you start seeing all you do to bring it into the world. That you truly ARE a creative person.
And the more you create, the more you want to create.
I created the video below to help business owners tackle their never-ending to-do lists.
Creating these videos allows me to help others by sharing my ideas.
And the more ideas I get out into the world, the more new ideas start to form. And the more I want to create and connect.
Creativity requires perspective.
Now that you have a different perspective of what it means to create, what will you bring into existence today?