How Far Can You Stretch?

How Far Can You Stretch?

Take a rubber band and stretch it horizontally between your hands. Stretch it as far as you can without breaking it. Now imagine this rubber band is you. You’re flexible, but there’s a limit to how far you can stretch yourself. Just like a rubber band, you have a...
What Do You Create?

What Do You Create?

“You can’t use up creativity.  The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou Do you create?  Are you someone who oozes creativity – always working on something new? Or do you think you have no creativity at all? Do you dread the...
The Limiting Nature of Being Right

The Limiting Nature of Being Right

Confession. I like to be right. Most of us do. But I’ve learned the hard way that being right is limiting. My motives for being right are often founded in my good intention of helping others be right too.  But my focus on right sometimes ends up creating lines of...
The Problem With Rushing Growth

The Problem With Rushing Growth

I love that I live in a part of the world where the changing of the seasons is so striking. I love watching new plants come up in spring and seeing them progress – tiny buds blooming into daffodils, crocus, and tulips. The flowering redbuds and crab apple trees make...