“There is no safe way to be great. There is no great way to be safe.” – Bob Anderson If. It’s a very small word. Combine it with a few other words and it holds the power to raise you up or cut you to your core. “What if….” holds the power of...
“It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.” – Rumi Finding purpose and meaning in your work can have a big impact on your quality of life and overall happiness. One benefit of the Great...
“If I can leave any good in this world besides my family, I leave these words. Don’t work too hard. Try to maintain balance. Don’t make work your whole life.” This wisdom was shared by one of Bronnie Ware’s clients in his final days. Bronnie spent 8 years working in...
What happens when you look at your “to-do” list? Are you excited to do every item on your list? Are you excited about 50% of them? 10% of them? None of them??? Being happy and satisfied in your career is rooted in how much you get to use your true strengths. Your...