Setting Intentions with My Word of the Year

Setting Intentions with My Word of the Year

It’s the final days of December when I focus on my “word” of the year. My word of the year has been a powerful force for achieving my goals in past years, so it’s something I look forward to at the end of every year, as I begin to imagine new goals on the horizon....
The Limiting Nature of Being Right

The Limiting Nature of Being Right

Confession. I like to be right. Most of us do. But I’ve learned the hard way that being right is limiting. My motives for being right are often founded in my good intention of helping others be right too.  But my focus on right sometimes ends up creating lines of...
Finding Clarity From Change

Finding Clarity From Change

Do these pictures look like the same mountain to you? On a recent trip to the Pacific Northwest, I visited Mount St. Helens. It’s an active volcano and the last eruption was in May of 1980.  I was a child when it happened and can remember the images on TV of the...
When Was the Last Time You Felt “Whelmed??”

When Was the Last Time You Felt “Whelmed??”

Does your life often feel like a balancing act? You like routine but hate being bored.  You seek adventure but value safety.  You want to chase your passions but fear moving too far outside your comfort zone.  It can be tricky to find the sweet spot in between. In her...