“You have a talent that is unique . . . so unique that there’s no one else alive on this planet that has that talent.” -Deepak Chopra, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success It’s easy to look at yourself and not believe this quote. Because your unique...
Does your life often feel like a balancing act? You like routine but hate being bored. You seek adventure but value safety. You want to chase your passions but fear moving too far outside your comfort zone. It can be tricky to find the sweet spot in between. In her...
How do you define success? Most would reserve that word for big accomplishments. You might not think walking your dog, making breakfast, or doing the laundry are successes. But Admiral William H. McRaven might disagree with you. In his book, “Make Your Bed: Little...
“That’s just the way my mind works.” Have you ever said that? I used to say it a lot. I had this idea that my thoughts controlled everything. Like they were the CEO of the rest of me. That was before I understood what mindfulness was. Mindfulness is being aware of...
“If I can leave any good in this world besides my family, I leave these words. Don’t work too hard. Try to maintain balance. Don’t make work your whole life.” This wisdom was shared by one of Bronnie Ware’s clients in his final days. Bronnie spent 8 years working in...
“If we were good at everything, we would have no need for each other.” -Simon Sinek Great organizations understand the importance of having blended leadership. A business needs intelligent people to solve difficult problems. It needs compassionate people to mentor...