
Blog Posts

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Resources IconIn this blog series, I pose questions to challenge old ways of thinking and provide stories to give you a broader view of your life and career. I share what informs and inspires me as a way to help elevate your perspective as you move toward the life you’ve imagined.
How to Conquer the Doom Loop

How to Conquer the Doom Loop

It’s easy to get sucked into worry.  It might be an upcoming meeting or the launch of a new product.  You start imagining all the ways it could go wrong. Did you do enough research?  Was it the right kind of research?  What if no one likes your idea?  Or what if...

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Are You Afraid Of Fire?

Are You Afraid Of Fire?

"Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire." - Arnold Glasow Last summer I visited Glacier National Park in Montana with some close friends. The landscape was breathtaking. Along the way, we met a guide who talked to us about...

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How Do You Create?

How Do You Create?

"Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones."  - Bruce Garrabrandt In my last blog, I asked What Do You Create?  Now I want to talk about how you create.  How do you bring something into existence that...

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What Do You Create?

What Do You Create?

"You can't use up creativity.  The more you use, the more you have." - Maya Angelou Do you create?  Are you someone who oozes creativity – always working on something new? Or do you think you have no creativity at all? Do you dread the question, “What’s new with you?”...

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The Power of “IF”

The Power of “IF”

"There is no safe way to be great. There is no great way to be safe." - Bob Anderson If. It’s a very small word. Combine it with a few other words and it holds the power to raise you up or cut you to your core. “What if….” holds the power of possibility and curiosity....

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Why Mentoring Matters

Why Mentoring Matters

My role as a business coach is to bring out the best in my clients. There are no cookie-cutter ways to lead. It’s about being true to who you are and who you are becoming. As I work with executives, I watch them grow into better versions of themselves. And once this...

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