
Blog Posts

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Resources IconIn this blog series, I pose questions to challenge old ways of thinking and provide stories to give you a broader view of your life and career. I share what informs and inspires me as a way to help elevate your perspective as you move toward the life you’ve imagined.
Moving Beyond Fear

Moving Beyond Fear

Fear is a master at keeping you stuck. It keeps you from lifting your head to see things differently. It keeps you from soaring. Fall is a time for harvesting what benefits us and letting go of what doesn’t. As 2024 comes to a close and you look towards 2025, it may...

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Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone

Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone

“As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal.” -Robin S. Sharma I’m fortunate to be friends with a jazz musician. He plays the keyboard and has a local band. His guitarist is really talented and keeps...

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The Magic of Transitions

The Magic of Transitions

"That was her magic - she could still see the sunset, even on the darkest days." - Atticus My current home is in a valley with lots of mature trees. While it’s beautiful where I live, I can’t see sunrises or sunsets, which makes them even more special when I...

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